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Living Libations

Frankincense Fresh Sensitive Toothpaste

$24.00 CAD

Living Libations Frankincense Fresh Sensitive Toothpaste is a brilliantly alkalinizing paste for smooth, shiny teeth and the freshest breath. Apply a small pearl size to a dry toothbrush and brush. Pearly, clean teeth, fresh-all-day breath, and sweet saliva await you.

Sacred Frankincense and Myrrh meld with alkaline sodium bicarbonate to sweeten and support your oral ecology by neutralizing acidic saliva and banishing bad breath bacteria. They combine with the truth-telling essences of gentle, Sweet Thyme, zippy Peppermint, and plaque-preventing Tea Tree for a shiny, white smile.

Uses: Use as you would toothpaste. Apply a small pearl to a dry toothbrush and brush. Combine with Happy Gum Drops, Yogi Tooth Serum, or Mint + Myrrh Serum for a boost. Follow the 8 Steps to Successful Oral Care.

Size: 15ml

Pickup available at Be Aligned Studios

Usually ready in 2-4 days

Size: 15ml

Product information